Universal Document Converter adalah solusi yang paling lengkap untuk konversi dokumen dari setiap jenis file dokumen ke dalam format file PDF atau file grafis. Yang mendasari Universal Document Converter adalah teknologi pencetakan virtual. Sehingga eksport dokumen MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, dan AutoCAD ke dalam format yang dipilih sangatlah mudah.
Export into 8 formats.
Documents of any type can be exported into Adobe PDF or graphical files in 7 popular formats: TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PCX, DCX, GIF or BMP.
Work with multipage documents.
Several documents of various types can be united into one multipage file.
The technology of virtual printing makes it possible to convert documents of any type, including multipage reports, technical drawings and commercial posters, into a chosen format.
Ease of use.
For exporting documents of any type into Adobe PDF or graphical files all that is required is to print them using the printer labeled 'Universal Document Converter'.
High resolution.
The ability to export documents with a resolution up to 2,400 DPI enables you to save all elements of design of advertising materials and the minutest details of drawings and electronic diagrams.
Automatic margin cropping.
The function of automatic cropping of empty margins makes it unnecessary to edit graphical copies of tables and diagrams before placing them in presentations or text documents.
Economy of system resources.
Low consumption of system resources enables you to export documents of practically any size which can contain hundreds of pages.
Flexibility in configuration.
The flexibility in configuring the program makes it possible to choose the optimal ratio between the quality of documents copies and the size of output files. For example, for publication on a website the smallest possible files are needed. On the other hand, for preparing documents to be sent to the printshop, files are required that are high resolution and compressed without quality loss.
Download here: Universal Document Converter v5.1